Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Blog Post # 1: Initial Impressions


Initial Impressions
The enlightenment period opened the door to many opportunities. I get the impression that it was a chaotic time, however, during this time many things took place that set the stage for the things we are so fortunate to enjoy today.
The expansion of literacy was extremely crucial to the advancements of the movement. When the opportunity for education became available to the public, those that had been oppressed for ages were able to (in a way) grasp a chunk of that power, that in the past, only the rich would have. Thanks to that, in today's world, even a poor person has the possibility to move up in society. Generally, there are no laws or rules that would prohibit someone of poor upbringing to take any position of power anymore.
Ideas stemming from this time influenced our daily lives today. That idea, that every human is capable of reasoning in order to mold their life as they see fit, is one that we see in the constitution today. Even though, the constitution was written a few hundred years ago, it still holds true in the depiction of the 21st century American way of life.
Blog post #1

Blog Post # 7 - The Evolution of Journalism

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